Multi-label classification using 🤗 Hugging Face Transformers AutoModelForSequenceClassification
Jun 12, 2022
Alexander Junge
1 minute read

🤗 Hugging Face Transformers AutoModelForSequenceClassification offers a quick way to fine-tune a pre-trained language model for a text classification task. AutoModelForSequenceClassification supports multi-label classification via its problem_type argument:

from transformers import AutoModelForSequenceClassification

model_ckpt = "distilbert-base-uncased"  # etc.
num_labels = 10  # etc.

model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(
    problem_type="multi_label_classification",  # this is important

However, this comes with a few additional requirements on the dataset that I did not find good documentation for online. Since I struggled to make it work, I want to capture what I learned along the way here:

  1. The model expects the target variable of the dataset to be named labels.
  2. labels need to be binary vectors of length #labels, indicating which labels are true/false for a given sample, i.e., a multi-hot label encoding.
  3. When using PyTorch in the backend, the labels vectors need to be floating-point numbers, not integers. This is because AutoModelForSequenceClassification uses BCEWithLogitsLoss and no automatic type casting takes place.

Another problem I encountered: The dataset I worked with already came with a labels feature that did not follow the above requirements. The easiest way to fix this was renaming the old labels, e.g., to labels_, and introducing a new labels feature following the requirements.

Hope this helps.

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