As this website and blog are slowly taking shape, I would like to explain a few words about its inception.
The website and blog are built with Jekyll, a blog-aware static site generator written in Ruby. It is hosted for free on GitHub using GitHub Pages. You can see and fork the page source code here.
This setup allows me to modify the website and write blog posts in Markdown in a terminal window. After pushing changes to GitHub, an HTML version of the website will automagically be generated. The output is what you are looking at right now. I added a short video at the end of this post showing how a new blog article can be published using Jekyll and GitHub pages. I especially enjoy that there is no need for me to edit any HTML sources or use a blog editor interface in the browser. Plus, both website and blog are always under git
version control.
I would like to use this blog to write about interesting things I come across in my everyday research work as a bioinformatician. I furthermore regard it as a platform to supplement tweets I publish on my Twitter profile. Only time will tell how frequently I will actually update this blog but right now I am planning to write about one post each week.
Hope you are enjoying this website and blog! I am looking forward to read your comments to my posts.