Posts about Python
- Book review. Python Tricks: A Buffet of Awesome Python Features by Dan Bader
- Deploying fastAPI to AWS Lambda via Amazon API Gateway
- Using a Raspberry Pi as a sound-activated recorder
- Simple NER visualization using displaCy
- GitHub Actions: Setting up poetry and running CI
- %autoreload: reload code before execution in Jupyter
- Deploying a custom Python machine learning model as an AWS SageMaker endpoint using MLflow
- Spotlight: New TaskFlow API in Apache Airflow 2
- One JupyterLab, many projects
- Hosting Machine Learning apps easily and freely via Hugging Face Spaces
- PyScript: looking beyond the hype
- Multi-label classification using 🤗 Hugging Face Transformers AutoModelForSequenceClassification
- Comparing Oura personal health data over the years
- Open source text-to-image diffusion
- Keeping sensitive information out of Jupyter notebooks stored in git version control
- TIL: f-string formatting - a cheat sheet